Vragen? Bel 06 – 160 749 53 of mail mij info@jarnoduursma.nl

Vragen? Bel of mail mij

Don’t want the story? Go to the auction!

Are you interested in NFT technology? Then read my extensive blog on the subject. Listen to my podcast or watch this NOS video I contributed to. (all in Dutch).

Or request a presentation from me on this subject.

About the author: Jarno Duursma is a technology expert, author and speaker in the field of digital technology. Creator of the ‘Listening to the future’ tech-podcast and regularly to be seen and heard in the Dutch national media.

TL;DR version

NFT is a way of linking ownership to digital objects. Everything digital consequently becomes a kind of irreplaceable digital artwork. This leads to interesting and wonderful developments. I started this NFT project as an experiment and for research purposes. You learn the most by doing. I want to know: what works and what doesn’t? What is easy and what is difficult? It is not meant to make me rich. Any profit goes to a good cause. The video is meant as a joke, as self-mockery towards my own industry. I had a lot of fun making it. 🙂

The story behind the ‘Glitch in the metaverse’ NFT.

At the moment there is a lot of enthusiasm surrounding NFT technology. Expectations are high.

It reminds me of the high expectations surrounding blockchain technology in 2015 – 2017. I wrote the first Dutch book on Bitcoin blockchain in 2015. Since then I have given more than 150 lectures on it. So I know the enthusiasm, also in myself. The reality, however, is more complex.

This video is meant as a gag, as a self-mockery towards my own field of profession. To put the current enthusiasm and high expectations into perspective. My message: Keep looking critically at the limitations, risks, overestimation of NFT’s.

“When your heart is aching

and your soul is in pain.

Then buy crypto’s, NFT’s

and drink a cup of blockchain.”


In this video you don’t see the real Jarno Duursma. It is my avatar. For the appearance and voice, I used the platform Synthesia. I made the music myself. The visuals were made by Frank Schaap. You may know him from studio Frank and Lisa. You can find his website here

What do you get when you buy this NFT?

– One of the hottest NFT’s of 2021. 😉
– The right to resell the NFT as an NFT
– Your name is mentioned in a message on LinkedIn (28K followers) and Twitter (8.8K followers) and newsletter (4K) in which I announce who the buyer is. We can discuss whether you can add a nice photo.
– Disclaimer: Not the copyright of the video. Sale of the video, or use for reproduction or commercial purposes is not permitted. You may therefore not post the video on, for example, YouTube or your own website without permission.

The profit of this auction goes to Garuda House Bali, which helps girls in Bali to go to school in a safe environment.

How can you buy the NFT? Please read the description below.

So how do I buy your NFT?

  • Get your crypto wallet, for instance, Metamask. This online wallet stores your ETH and processes transactions on the blockchain. A unique wallet address will be generated and you will use this address to complete transactions.
  • Add Metamask to the Chrome browser
  • Write down you seedphrase so you can always restore acces to your wallet
  • Buy Ethereum. You can get ETH, the digital currency that fuels transactions on the Ethereum blockchain, from Litebit.eu or Coinbase.
  • But Ether, go to your Ether wallet, Click the ‘send’ button in the Litebit wallet
  • Send your ETH to the Metamask wallet. (use the Metamask wallet adress. Be sure to be accurate!)
  • Go to Opensea.io and create a profile.
  • Then head to the top right profile icon and select “My Profile”.
  • You will then be prompted to connect your Metamask wallet.
  • When this is completed, your account will default to “Unnamed”, showing only your wallet address. Edit your profile.
  • Go to the auction (LINK)
  • Make an offer! (Read the Blog) (Read the OpenSea article).
  • (You place an offer to indicate what you would be willing to pay for it. You place a bid to provide the actual amount the buyer is asking for, or more.)

Disclaimer: This whole project is an experiment. I have thoroughly studied everything related to NFT, but you have to realise that it is an experiment. I am not accountable for the loss of Ethereum or any other cryptocurrency during this process. I am not accountable for the loss of your NFT if you don’t take care of that yourself. So do your own homework. When you buy my NFT or place a bid on it I am grateful, but I also have the right to reject your bid. I also have the right to cancel the whole project for any reason. I am not accountable for any losses whatsoever resulting from this project. The fact that I have started this NFT project is in no way an encouragement to buy NFTs or to invest in cryptocurrency. As an extra bonus when selling this NFT, I will include you in a LinkedIn, Twitter and newsletter message, but the exact content will be determined by me as the author. I am open to any suggestion and always friendly, but in the end I decide the principles. So hopefully you will want to help make this experiment a success and give the girls in the orphanage in Bali a good future. Thanks for your support!

Kind regards, Jarno

ps: Do you see a bug, an incompleteness? Do you have tips, ideas or advice? Let me know!

Uitgelichte lezing

NFT Blogs (Dutch)

Wat is NFT?

Wat is NFT?

NFT is een manier om eigenaarschap te koppelen aan digitale objecten. Alles wat digitaal is wordt daarmee een soort onvervangbaar digitaal kunstwerk. Dat leidt tot interessante, wonderlijke ontwikkelingen. Waarom gaat iemand 69 miljoen dollar betalen voor een ‘digitaal plaatje’?

Wat maakt NFT-technologie zo belangrijk? Waarom wordt er zoveel gesproken over NFT? Wat krijg je eigenlijk wanneer je een NFT koopt? Wat zijn de uitdagingen en problemen?

Lees verder
NFT-technologie is revolutionair, maar weet wat je koopt

NFT-technologie is revolutionair, maar weet wat je koopt

Digitale kunstwerken worden steeds populairder. Dat komt door de opkomst van NFT-technologie.

NFT maakt het mogelijk eigenaarschap te claimen in de digitale wereld. Een revolutionair idee, maar het fundament is nog instabiel. Weet dus wat je koopt.

Lees verder

Geselecteerde NFT podcast

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Waarom Jarno?

Wie is Jarno Duursma? Lees alles over zijn achtergrond als spreker, schrijver en tech-expert.

Over Jarno Duursma

Waarin onderscheidt Jarno zich van andere sprekers? Lees meer over zijn drijfveren, ervaring en presentatiestijl.

Waarom Jarno Duursma?

Jarno Duursma is onafhankelijk publicist, spreker en auteur op het gebied van AI en digitale technologie. Hij schreef vier tech-boeken, waaronder één over AI (2017), en publiceerde twee rapporten over generatieve AI (2019). Met meer dan 1500 lezingen op zijn naam is hij een veelgevraagd spreker in binnen- en buitenland. Zijn opinieartikelen verschijnen in FD, NRC en Volkskrant. Daarnaast is hij LinkedIn AI Top Voice en maakt hij de tech-podcast ‘Listening to the Future’ en de tech-nieuwsbrieven ‘Trending in Tech’ en ‘Signals from the Future’.

Updates ontvangen?

Trending in Tech nieuwsbrief.

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